
Professor Richard Grose

Richard worked for Amersham International for a year, developing ELISAs for HIV testing, before reading Zoology at the University in Bristol in 1991. Having worked at Pfizer Central Research as a Summer Scholar in 1993 with Nicola Worman, he joined the Pfizer Molecular Sciences team in 1994 as a Research Associate, working for Dr Ross Kinloch. In 1995, he joined Prof Paul Martin's Lab at UCL to undertake a PhD on the "Molecular Basis of Embryonic Wound Healing", using mouse and fly models. Upon graduating in 1999, he joined Prof Sabine Werner's lab at ETH-Zurich as a postdoc, where he worked on genetically modified mouse models of cutaneous development and repair. He returned to the UK in 2001 to join Prof Clive Dickson's lab at the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, where he maintained close collaborations with Prof Werner and developed his interest in FGFR signalling in cancer. In 2004, he joined Prof Ian Hart's Centre for Tumour Biology at Barts Cancer Institute.

Reza Roozitalab

Reza obtained his BSc in Biomedical Sciences followed by an MSc in Cancer and Molecular and Cellular Biology at Queen Mary Univeristy of London. He went onto do an MRes in Translational Immunology (MRC DTP) and is currently developing 3D in vitro models in his PhD to study how macrophages promote breast cancer progression.



Qiaoying Wang

Qiaoying obtained her bachelor’s degree in Clinical Medicine from YouJiang Medical University for Nationalities in China. Afterwards, she received an MSc in Cancer and Therapeutics at Queen Mary University of London. Her PhD project aims to target the FGFR signalling axis as a therapeutic approach in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.


Cerian Bolton

Cerian studied Biochemistry BSc at King’s College London, followed by an MRes in Cancer Biology at Imperial College London. In 2021 she started the BBSRC LIDo DTP scheme, joining the Grose lab in September 2022. Her PhD project aims to dissect the ephrin signalling pathway in pancreatic stellate cells and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma on a nanoscale level.


Andréa Vinaga


Poppy Bradley

Poppy graduated with a BSc in Natural Sciences from the University of Bath, specialising in Biochemistry and Pharmacology. During this she completed a placement at GSK Stevenage in the Genomic Sciences department. Her PhD project aims to understand cannabinoid 2 receptor expression in HER2+ breast cancers, particularly in the context of metabolism and to utilise novel synthetic cannabinoids through partnership with Roche.


Shanshan Yu
